Threading The Needle

What a difference a day makes - when I went to bed last night I thought I was going to wake up with the flu. I felt horrible - aches & pains - sneezing - congestion & complete fatigue. Today was my strongest day yet! Thankfully I was able to lighten my load by 12 pounds with the help of my fellow team members and Ryan the team leader. 

That made a big difference & every stop we made I felt great.  We had our best day today covering 10 nautical miles and now we have 23 left. If we can keep this pace we should be 3 miles from the pole Friday night which will make Saturday a really fun day arriving around 12:00 noon.

We all look forward to celebrating the conclusion of the expedition. We have had absolutely perfect weather today.  Sunshine in abundance & absolutely NO WIND.

I had macaroni & cheese for dinner and will go to sleep at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am which has been the normal schedule. One thing that makes a big difference is hydration - it’s extraordinarily dry here so I try to drink 1 liiter of water before I go to sleep.

The strangest thing happened this morning. I borrowed a needle and thread from the guides to repair the cloth on my goggles. As I was threading the needle I went to tie off the end of the thread. When I looked back the needle was not on the thread. I searched everywhere! A loose needle in a tent is dangerous and I have an inflatable mattresss! I finally looked up at the goggles hanging on the clothes line and there was the needle securely connected to the foam. Maybe my guardian angel is here looking after me?

Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers.

Today we covered 10 nautical miles for Hopecam Kid GABRIEL. He is in Grade 1 from Magnolia, TX. “No matter what Gabriel always has a smile on his face. He loves to play and is always active and he is a strong amazing fighter. For someone who went through as much as he has gone through it is still amazing how he can keep that smile on his face! He LOVES the color blue, Hot Wheels and monster trucks.” Today was for you Gabriel, keep fighting and smiling!

Hopecam Kid Gabriel